The Triumphant Entry

The Triumphant Entry

It takes courage to look back on past tragedies and know that further dark and challenging things may come, and still be obedient in the present. It takes true courage to seek out joy and to practice rejoicing the in the Lord and not to be overwhelmed by sin and darkness. The cheering crowds in Jerusalem, including Jesus’ disciples, didn’t know what was coming, but Jesus did. As we think back over the past year of sickness and painful episodes of sin and injustice, we did not know what was coming. (We could neither have understood or borne up under the weight of it if we did.) And yet these truths have not changed: God is good and his love endures forever. Psalm 118 continues in verse 26, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you.” We are in a position to bless others when we are in the house of the Lord, and we are blessed when we come in the name of the Lord. Despite what has passed, and without disregarding the biblical precedent to lament and bring our burdens to the Lord as well, let us dwell on the goodness of God. Let us give him thanks, come what may, for his love truly does endure forever.