40 Days In The Wilderness

40 Days In The Wilderness

40 Days in the Wilderness

As we get close to the Easter we can not help but rejoice about the resurrection of Jesus. But the journey to Calvary like all journeys had to start with that first step. And for Jesus that first step was to be tested by Satan. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for Jesus to be in the wilderness for 40 Days. To be drained physically and mentally and when at his weakest to have the evil one to tempt him. But he stayed faithful to the Father and looked to him to sustain him and not want worldly treasures but to want the heavenly treasures. And after the 40 days (A time of completeness) he was worth to be the sacrifice for sin. We have our times that we are in the wilderness where Good versus evil. But Jesus showed us that Good will always overcome evil. He sealed that when he rose on the 3rd day. We need to look at the example of Jesus to help us when we are in our wilderness.  But it has always been about good versus evil so will go through our wilderness.