

Our worship is to be patterned after the example of Christ’s worship. Our Savior, did all he could to please His Father every moment of His earthly life and ministry. Jesus Christ is a perfect example of living a life of sacrifice. While He was here on earth, He did nothing of Himself, but acted according to the instructions of God the father. All His judgments were based on what He heard from God. He was able to live a sacrificial life because he did not seek His own but the will of His father who sent Him, Of course, we will fall short in many of those areas, but God is gracious, and He forgives all who repent of their sins and inadequacies. We discover in today’s message that we are to give our-self’s as a living sacrifice to God. Ask the Lord to show you how you may live in line with what it teaches and to use it to transform your mind that you may conform to His will.