Prayers of the Righteous

Prayers of the Righteous

I remember when I was a young boy growing up in the Church, the Wednesday night service was always called Prayer Meeting. I always wondered why it was called that because it was just like any other service. I asked my dad one day why we call the Wednesday our night service Prayer meeting when it is like any other service. His reply was, we used to gather at that time and pray for each other and any other need that was needed. But some how we got away from that and started doing what we do now. I thought for a moment and ask why. His response was I don’t know we just did. Point and meaning of this is to ask ourselves, have we become so preoccupied that we pray less and less, and when asked about our prayer life we say I don’t know. If we can’t make time to pray for ourselves how are we ever going to pray for one another.