Noah A Lesson Of Salvation

Noah, A Lesson Of Salvation

We have so many great lessons given to us from the old testament. It is such a joy and privilege to read and study each one of them. I think one of the best lessons that we can relate to is found in the sixth (6th) chapter of Genesis. That is the life of Noah. Even though he lived in a very sinful and evil time he still maintained his relationship with God. And if you take the time to look at all the qualities he had, we see that we to can possess the same ones. We to live in a time of deep-rooted sin and evil and know that one day it will face judgment. Like Noah we to must be ready and to be found living under the Grace of God. God has given us all we need to escape the destruction that is coming. Because God has given us Jesus we are under his Grace. All we have to do is accept him as our Savior and be buried with him in Baptism and continue to live for him and have Faith in the words of God. And when that Day comes we to can be found in the Grace of God.