It’s A God Thing You Wouldn’t Understand

Have you ever felt that God was silent in your life? As a matter of fact you may be now. It may be family issues or maybe job problems or even financial problems. And most common now the things that are going on in the world around us or even closer to home. And you have prayed and prayed and no answer and wonder why God is silent in our life. We can see from Bible history that there was times that God is silent. From Malachi to Matthew there was 400 years we heard nothing. In Revelations 8:1 there will be silence in heaven for ½ hour. In John chapter it is 2 days before Jesus’s response to Mary and Martha about the death of Lazarus. We must not lose heart when God is silent because there is a reason. We may need that silence to see where we are at with God. And to see if there are some changes we need to make. It may also be to get our attention. And it may be for us to just trust him. What ever it is God is always working for the good in our lives we just need to wait on the lord and keep our faith in him. When you are down to nothing God is up to something.