Blessed Are The Merciful

Blessed Are The Merciful

Being merciful is a Biblical key to Christian living.  We all need mercy and thankfully God is rich in mercy toward us. (Ephesians 2:4) BUT – as Christians we are called to BE MERCIFUL with one another.  In Matthew 5:7 Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”  In order to receiver mercy we need to be merciful.  Being merciful is part of living the Christian life.  Being merciful to our family and friends is one thing, but as Christians were called to be merciful even toward our enemies. So, love your enemies! Ask Jesus to help you and show you how you can allow Him to work through you to love your enemies. BE MERCIFUL. Mercy is loving someone who won’t love you back. Christ is going to bless you for allowing His mercy to flow through you in a way that brings good things to those who don’t deserve it. Being merciful is a key to Christian living!