Breastplate of Righteousness

Armor of God Breastplate of Righteousness

Christ will be our righteous when we stand before God. And if I am wearing the breastplate of righteousness, I can truly know that my heart and my emotions, are securely guarded and adequately protected against attack. As Christians we often look for assurance. We feel unworthy of salvation. We feel that we have failed in our Christian life and that God is certain to reject us. We may often feel He is no longer interested in us. And there is a constant sense of guilt. How do you answer an attack like this? You are to remember that you have put on the breastplate of righteousness. In other words, you do not stand on your own merits. You never did. You never had anything worthwhile in yourself to offer to God. You gave all that up when you came to Christ. You quit trying to be good enough to please God. You came on His merits. You came on the ground of His imputed righteousness—that which He gives to you. You began your Christian life like that, and there is no change now. You are still standing before God on that basis. The Righteousness of Jesus Christ.