About Us

About Us

We are sinners saved by the grace of God. We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and that through His death and resurrection we are forgiven and have eternal life. We strive to follow Him every day, though we know we will fail.

The Bible is our guidebook, and we study it regularly in order to learn more about God’s will for our lives. We welcome anyone who wants to join us on this journey.

What We Believe

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We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again. We also believe that he is coming back to take us home. We also believe that repentance and baptism are necessary for the forgiveness of sins. This is a decision that we make with our hearts and minds. Repentance is a change of heart and mind regarding sin, and it includes a resolve to turn away from sin and live a life pleasing to God. Baptism is an outward expression of this inward change, and it is a sign of our new life in Christ and commitment to follow Him.


Our vision is to be a light in the darkness, bringing people to Jesus Christ and helping them to grow in their faith. We want to be a church that is known for its love, compassion, and acceptance of all people.


The Church of Christ is dedicated to bringing people to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. We strive to create an environment where people can feel welcomed, loved, and accepted, and where they can learn about God.


Danny Hebert


Meet Our Preacher

- Danny Hebert

I was born and raised here in Pine Prairie. It’s a small town in Central Louisiana, but it’s always been my home. After I graduated from high school, I moved to Lafayette to work in the oil field. I worked there for 25 years until I received a calling from God to become the outreach minister at Riverside Church of Christ. I was the outreach minister for 19 years, during which time I got involved in prison ministry and started teaching at the Drug Rehab Facility. I also became involved with many non-profit organizations that work with foster families and the homeless. In 2019, I received the Humanitarian Award from the Governor of Louisiana for my work with these groups.

Now that I’ve moved back home to Pine Prairie, I’m involved with the local Drug Rehabilitation Center, teaching spirituality classes and helping people recover from addiction. My goal is to continue teaching the truth to as many people as possible and help them turn their lives around. If you’re interested in joining us, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to have you!

Missions We Support

Missions are a vital part of the Church, and they provide us with opportunities to serve and bless others. They also help us to learn more about the gospel and to grow in our testimonies of Jesus Christ.

Serving on a mission can be a great opportunity to serve others and to share the gospel. It is also a time when we can learn more about the gospel and grow in our own testimony of Jesus Christ.

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